14 / August / 2017 06:19

Iran condemns US military threats against Venezuela

Iran condemns US military threats against Venezuela

EghtesadOnline: Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi on Sunday condemned the US President Donald Trump provocative and meddling remarks on Venezuela's internal politics.

News ID: 743272

'The contemporary history of the world politics shows that the era of manipulation of military threats and pressures against independent state in order to force them to accept irrational and illegal demands is over,' Qasemi said in a message released on Sunday.

'Respecting the country's sovereignty and independence within the framework of international rules is necessary,' IRNA quoted him as saying.

In a move to support the right wing parties rival to the leftist ruling party in Venezuela, the US has imposed crippling sanctions against Caracas and has threatened the country with military option.


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