19 / September / 2017 06:21

Rouhani: Iran welcoming boosting ties with Latin American states

Rouhani: Iran welcoming boosting ties with Latin American states

EghtesadOnline: President Hassan Rouhani voiced Iran’s interest to enhance cooperation with Latin American countries such as Bolivia, saying that Iran welcomes promoting relations with them in all fields.

News ID: 743841

In a meeting with Bolivian President Evo Morales on the sidelines of United Nations General Assembly’s session on Monday, he said that Latin American countries can count on Iran’s friendship and cooperation.

According to IRNA, he also called for cooperation between independent countries to achieve common goals. 

Rouhani further noted that there are no limits for developing all-out cooperation between Iran and Bolivia and strengthening relations will benefit both sides.

Describing bilateral ties as cordial and growing, he said that Iran is determined to promote mutual cooperation in all fields and Iranian major firms are prepared to export technical and engineering services and expand their activities in Bolivia and advance developmental projects in the country.

The chief executive stressed the need for boosting banking cooperation between the two states, saying that banking collaboration is cornerstone of cooperation in all fields.

Referring to common stances of Iran and Bolivia against arrogant powers, he said that the US is hatching new plots against the developing countries, but its plots are of course always doomed to failure.

In the region, they wanted to make instrumental use of terrorism but the regional nations, particularly Iraq and Syria, are defeating terrorism and terrorists’ days are numbered, Rouhani said.

The Americans have been hatching new plots in the post-Revolution era but all failed, he said, noting Iran’s major source of power is the nation and when a nation is standing united and trusts its leaders, no power would be able to defeat it.

Noting that the Americans did not uphold any international accords, Rouhani said that they violated all the agreements with Cuba and other countries one after another and today, they are also seeking excuses to dismantle JCPOA.

Now, the world has come to conclude that the US is not reliable, as Iran has always insisted on it, he said.

Morales, for his part, described Iran as a friendly country, saying that Bolivia is determined to deepen cooperation with Iran in all fields.

Inviting Rouhani to attend the Gas Producing Countries Forum in his country, he said that your presence in the event carries a very significant message that independent friends are alongside each other and is indicative of development of mutual cooperation between Iran and Bolivia. 

Bolivia welcomes presence of Iranian firms in the country to help promotion of petrochemicals and downstream industries, he said.

Touching on the US antagonistic policies in the world, Latin America in particular, Morales said that arrogant powers are seeking division in Latin America and independent countries are required to stand united under current circumstances.


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