04 / February / 2018 08:48

Iran FM warns of US dangerous nuclear policies

Iran FM warns of US dangerous nuclear policies

EghtesadOnline: Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday warned of US hazardous nuclear policies, saying that they are bringing mankind closer to annihilation.

News ID: 744837

Zarif tweeted on Saturday, “The US Nuclear Posture Review reflects greater reliance on nukes in violation of the NPT, bringing humankind closer to annihilation. No wonder the Doomsday Clock is at its most dangerous since 1953.Trump’s obduracy in killing the JCPOA stems from the same dangerous imprudence.”

Under the 2015 nuclear deal, officially known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Iran got relief from international sanctions in return for curbs on its nuclear program, according to IRNA.

Hawkish US President Donald Trump called for a more restrictive nuclear deal and new constraints on Tehran's missile development and regional clout, issues that are not covered by the JCPOA.


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