19 / October / 2020 18:46

UN Arms Embargo Terminated

EghtesadOnline: The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Sunday announced the automatic termination of the United Nations’ arms restrictions and travel ban on Iran as of October 18 in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2231.

News ID: 751306

“As of today, all restrictions on the transfer of arms, related activities and financial services to and from the Islamic Republic of Iran, and all prohibitions regarding the entry into or transit through territories of the United Nations Member States previously imposed on a number of Iranian citizens and military officials, are all automatically terminated,” the ministry said in a statement, published on its website. 

It also noted that the lifting of the restrictions is “definitive and unconditional” as it was designed to be automatic, requiring no new resolution, statement or measure by the UN Security Council. 

“Therefore, as of today, the Islamic Republic of Iran may procure any necessary arms and equipment from any source without any legal restrictions and solely based on its defensive needs, and may also export defensive armaments based on its own policies.” 

The statement also described October 18 as “a momentous day for the international community” which, in defiance of the United States’ efforts, has protected UNSCR 2231 and Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with the world powers, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, enshrined in the resolution.

The US pulled out of JCPOA in 2018 and restored tough sanctions on Iran, but the deal remained alive, though in a faltering shape, thanks to other parties’ continued commitment.

Over the past few months, Washington attempted to extend the arms embargo on Iran indefinitely, but the UN Security Council rejected its illegal move in August.

The US unlawful attempt to reinstate the terminated UNSC resolutions against Iran in September also failed when 13 members and three consecutive presidents of the council rejected the claim that it was eligible to use mechanisms foreseen in JCPOA and UNSCR 2231. 

“Notwithstanding the failed attempts by the US to withhold and eliminate Iran’s benefits from Resolution 2231, Member States are required to make their laws and regulations compatible with the resolution, which ‘invites Member States to give due regard to these changes’,” Iran’s statement said. 

It added that any measure against the provisions of UNSCR 2231 would amount to a material breach of the resolution and the purposes of JCPOA, and that Iran reserves the right to take any necessary countermeasures to secure its national interests in that event. 

Iran’s permanent mission to the UN also issued a statement, announcing the termination of the restrictions that it described as “baseless, unjust and unlawful”. 

“As a responsible member of the international community, the Islamic Republic of Iran engages in legitimate trade—in accordance with international law and on the basis of its national interests—with other countries, including in the realm of the arms trade,” it said in a statement, according to IRNA. 

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also took to Twitter to commend the international community’s successful defiance of US unilateral measures. 

“Today’s normalization of Iran’s defense cooperation with the world is a win for the cause of multilateralism and peace and security in our region,” he tweeted. 


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