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Iran blasts US official’s anti-Iran allegations

Oct 5, 2016, 2:11 PM
News ID: 4318

EghtesadOnline: Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi in response to a US Defense Department official on Iran said that the US should look at its own thick dossier of sending weapons to the Saudi aggressors who are massacring the Yemeni civilians.

“It is better that the American who themselves have a very bulky dossier of dispatching different kinds of weapons and equipment to the aggressors in Yemen not accuse others through blame game,” Qasemi said in reaction to a US defense department official who claimed that Ansarullah’s missile that hit a UAE warship was made in Iran. 

According to IRNA, he underlined that while it is over one and a half year from siege of Yemen and even sending humanitarian aids to the people of that country is facing numerous problems, the US officials make allegations that except acknowledging their and their allies’ destitute visi-a-vis the defenseless people of Yemen does not have any other meaning. 

Qasemi reiterated that such allegations are made while the US aircraft and weapons are being used in massacre of thousands of innocent Yemeni people and destruction of infrastructure in Yemenas well as targeting hospitals and schools of that country. 

“Even after the occurrence of anti-human and war crimes in Yemen, the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia continued and is still continuing,” he added.