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Iran emerges victorious from crippling sanctions, regains OPEC status

Dec 4, 2016, 10:54 AM
News ID: 7166

EghtesadOnline: Head of Caucasus Department of the CIS Institute and Director of the Center for Public Policy Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladimir Evseev, says Iran emerged victorious from oil sanctions and regained its OPEC status.

'Iran managed to successfully leave behind the crippling oil sanctions and regain OPEC output quota of 3.9 million bpd,' said Evseev.

He made the remarks in an interview with IRNA.

Evseev emphasized that Iran managed to get advantage for output rise for itself despite 1.2 million bpd OPEC output cut.

'Such an exceptional success and many other economic achievements and promotion of the Islamic Republic of Iran international status have been possible after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA),' the Russian academic said.

The Russian academic said that under the sanctions, Iran could not find customer for its oil and the oil buyers were used to be attracted by other producers. 

'Now it is an undeniable reality with major difference with the pre-JCPOA era when crippling sanctions had made difficult for Iran and Iranians and the Islamic Republic of Iran is currently experiencing formation of dynamic and ever growing economy.'

The Russian official hailed 'important' ever-growing activity of Iranian oil industry in production and exports and questioned, 'Had the nuclear negotiating team with their strong and efficient diplomacy failed to strike the JCPOA deal, would the current success of Tehran in regaining its status in oil production and export possible and would it have been possible to lift sanctions in other sectors?'

'On the other hand, Iran is now hosting extensive talks of high-ranking officials from different countries, companies and foreign investors, including those from Europe, who are in race to visit Tehran and sign diversified contracts. All the developments are because of the JCPOA deal. The JCPOA is result of lengthy negotiations of the global community and Iran and marks important international achievement, which has been registered as the UN Security Council document. On the other hand, the US managed to upgrade its prestige internationally by the deal.'

'Certain groups take the JCPOA as an achievement of the Obama administration but they do know they are wrong and is not true because to achieve the international document, Iran and the G5+1 worked hard and played unique role to achieve it.'

Evseev said that Russia played an influential role in process of clinching the JCPOA deal.

Evseev said, 'Now too Moscow plus Tehran and other partners in the G5+1 are striving for full implementation of the Accord.'

However, there are certain groups on the US who ask for the JCPOA annulment and consider it harmful, while the logic and spirit of the international accord is not only to the benefit of the signatory states but to that of the global community as well, he said.

Unfortunately, recent decision of the US senators to extend Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) for another 10 years is a betrayal but let's not forget that such anti-Iranian measures are not related to nuclear activities, rather Washington imposed many sanctions after victory of the Islamic Revolution, he added.

Voicing displeasure with extension of the ISA by the US, the scholar said under such conditions, the right move for Tehran and Moscow, as two strategic partners, is to go ahead with the international accord of JCPOA.

'Now the logical path for all the parties is exercising patience and avoiding any unilateral action because it can deal irreparable damage to the JCPOA and its implementation, while a lot of international efforts have been made to achieve the phase.

Evseev said, 'For certain that Iranian policy makers and statesmen make right and accountable decisions and act on international conventions and reciprocal actions about the JCPOA, while other European and Asian signatories to the Accord are committed to its implementation.'

To the end of the interview, Evseev emphasized that the US future president is a big merchant and dealer and it does not seem will annual the JCPOA. 

'By no means, it will not be wise to selfishly annul an international accord, which has left very positive impact on international peace and security.'