26 / April / 2017 06:43

Headlines in Iranian English-language dailies on April 26

EghtesadOnline: The following headlines appeared in local English language newspapers on Wedneday:

News ID: 775731

- Presidential hopefuls urged to focus on domestic capabilities 
- Dialougue, moderation cure for global maladies 
- Iran becomes No.2 oil supplier to S. Korea in first quarter

- Leader: Unity key to progress of Muslim world
- Zarif urges efforts by civilizations to address challenges
- Official: Talks for yellowcake purchase not over

- Candidates should not look outside for progress
- Iraqi forces liberate largest neighborhood in Western Mosul
- Ancient civilizations call for cultural campaign to maintain peace

- Leader: Candidates should not look abroad
- “Sis” actress Golab Adineh crowned best at Beijing festival
- Iran-Turkey co-op needed to defeat terrorism: Official

- World Bank: Iran made cross-border trade easier
- Talks with foreign oil, gas majors in final stretch 
- 90% of Foreign Minisry interaction focused on economy

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