21 / August / 2017 11:40

Iran Foreign Ministry not after taking charge of economy: Spokesman

EghtesadOnline: Structural changes in Iran's Foreign Ministry are not aimed at regulating the economy and taking charge of the economic affairs, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi said on Monday while elaborating on the new developments announced in the Ministry.

News ID: 778656

'By establishing an economic department, the Foreign Ministry is trying to facilitate economic cooperation,' Qasemi said in his weekly press conference.

Economic issues have never been neglected in the foreign ministry, but given the new priorities of the country related to the Resistance Economy, the Ministry underwent such changes to contribute to the country's economic conditions, IRNA quoted him as saying.

'The foreign ministry's task is not regulating the economy, and the economy-related Ministries will be still doing their business while the new department in the Foreign Ministry is facilitating foreign economic cooperation and trade,' he elaborated.

The regional departments, namely the America-Europe, Asia-Pacific and the Middle East-Africa, will be merged into a single 'Political department'.

Qasemi also reiteraed that Iran's message to the countries in the region and its neighbors is peace, stability and promoting ties.

One of the priorities defined for the Ministry is to promote ties with neighbors, for which some mechanisms have also been defined, the spokesman said, stressing that efforts for preserving security, stability and fighting terrorism are other priorities of the Ministry and all the countries can help Iran on this path.


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