26 / July / 2017 06:10

IRGC foils US warship's provocative move in PG

IRGC foils US warship's provocative move in PG

EghtesadOnline: Third Naval Region of Islamic Revolution Guard Corps' public relations office said it has foiled the US warship's provocative move against an Iranian Navy patrol boat in the Persian Gulf.

News ID: 743011

The statement released after reports in foreign media about firing of warning shots at the Iranian patrol boat in the Persian Gulf, according to IRNA.

A US warship moved towards an Iranian navy patrol boat and aiming to instigate and frighten the Iranian boat, fired two warning shots, the statement added.

It noted: 'IRGC navy patrol boat continued its mission, ignoring the unprofessional and provocative move by the US warship and the warship left the zone after a while.'


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