06 / November / 2017 09:39

Nasrallah: Hariri’s resignation decided by Saudis

EghtesadOnline: Secretary General of Lebanese Hezbollah Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Sunday that Saad Hariri’s resignation was not his own decision; rather it was Saudis who decided it and forced him to step down.

News ID: 744351

He made the remarks in an interview with Lebanese satellite television station al-Manar one day after Hariri stepped down on November 4 from his position as the Lebanese prime minister when he was on a visit to Saudi Arabia.

According to IRNA, he also accused Iran and Hezbollah of creating crisis in Lebanon.

Most of the analysts maintain that Hariri’s resignation took place due to pressures from the Saudi government.

Hezbollah did not favor Hariri’s resignation and preferred the situation to go forward based on a rational and logical course.

Wondering why Hariri declared his resignation from Saudi Arabia, Nasrallah said that the way of his resignation reveals to what extent the Saudis are interfering in other countries’ affairs so that they even determine the form of stepping down.

Commenting on the objectives behind Hariri’s resignation, the Hezbollah leader said that understanding the main reason behind the move is the key to solving most of the problems.

“There is no internal cause for the resignation, as all know that Hariri wanted to stay in the position,” Nasrallah said, noting that the move is rooted in Saudi Arabia.
As for the content of Hariri's statement, Nasrallah said, “…it wasn't written by him.'

Nasrallah also called on the Lebanese to exercise patience and keep calm.

“Lebanon’s security is the most important thing we underline,” he said, noting that the issue should be dealt with through wisdom and logic.

“Nobody should foment political tension in Lebanon as it solves no problem,” he said.


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