Kiwi Benefits for skin
Kiwi is a fruit of a flowering plant. It is in the shape of an egg and is sized between 5-8 cm in length and 4.5-5.5 cm in diameter. The skin of this fruit is brown and the color of its inner and soft part is green. Kiwi is native to China
Kiwi was present in China until the twentieth century and was taken to New Zealand in the early twentieth century, where it was grown commercially. Kiwi is originally the name of a beautiful New Zealand bird and the name of the fruit is inspired by this bird
iranian Kiwi is rich in vitamins, minerals and plant compounds, but can this fruit be a good option for maintaining healthy skin? Follow us until the end of this article to answer this question
Nutritional Contents of Kiwi
Kiwi is generally full of minerals and vitamins. These minerals include calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. Also, the vitamins found in kiwi are B vitamins, including B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B9, vitamins C, E and K
Many of these nutrients are present in human skin and eating them can be beneficial for skin health. Here is how they work
Vitamin C
Studies show that vitamin C limits skin damage caused by ultraviolet (UV) rays. By creating collagen, these vitamins prevent skin discoloration caused by age spots, sunlight and other factors
Vitamin E
Vitamin E also protects the skin from UV rays and oxidative stress
Lutein and zeaxanthin are two antioxidants in kiwifruit that reduce dark spots on the skin, especially when combined. They also increase the levels of carotenoids, which protect the skin from the sun's harmful rays
- Polyphenols
Kiwi contains certain polyphenols from the flavonoid family. These substances protect your skin against oxidative stress as well as skin cancer
Kiwi skin contains more nutrients than its soft inner part. Contrary to many people's beliefs, kiwi skin is edible, but many do not eat it because it is fuzzy. Eating kiwi with skin can increase its fiber content by up to 50%, folate by 32% and vitamin E concentration by 34%. So do not miss this part of kiwi fruit and taste it with the skin to enjoy its rich properties
12unique properties of kiwi for the skin
Skin treatment
Kiwi heals the skin scars faster due to its vitamin C
Skin firmness
Putting kiwifruit on the skin causes minerals to enter the middle layer of the skin and cause skin tightness
Prevents damage from sunlight
Kiwi is rich in vitamin C and amino acids that make the skin resistant to the sun's ultraviolet rays
Skin cleanser
Kiwi protects the skin from free radicals and balances the skin's PH level
Exfoliation of dead cells
Kiwi skin contains enzymes that remove the dead skin cells from the face
Skin rejuvenation
Vitamins C and E and antioxidants in kiwi make the skin fresh, youthful and rejuvenated
Cell Recovery
Vitamin E in kiwi helps cells regenerate and replace dead cells
Kiwi fights free radicals to prevent wrinkles, blemishes, furrows and aging lines on the skin
Kiwi has anti-inflammatory properties and fights acne and cleanses pores
Lightening of the skin
Vitamin C in kiwi lightens and clears the skin color
Skin emollient
Eating kiwi softens and smooths the skin by opening the pores of the skin and exfoliating
Kiwi is one of the anti-inflammatory fruits that reduces oxidative damage
But do not forget that eating a lot of kiwi alone cannot be a complete source of skin health, and skin care requires a complete and proper diet that includes kiwi
Kiwi Face masks
Many of you may have heard of putting kiwifruit directly on the skin and in many cases have seen kiwifruit masks used for the skin. There are many masks that are made by combining kiwi with other ingredients. Masks such as kiwi paste mask, kiwi and yogurt mask, kiwi and almond mask, kiwi and lemon mask, kiwi and yogurt and banana mask, kiwi and avocado mask, egg yolk and kiwi mask, kiwi and olive oil mask, kiwi and grape mask, etc. which each have their own method of preparation and method of consumption, and result in exfoliating and clarity of the skin. Kiwi polysaccharides stimulate the skin and produce keratinocytes. But there are no more sources about the direct effect of kiwi on the skin, and most of the information on kiwi is the result of scientific experiments on eating kiwi fruit, so a proper diet will keep your skin healthy and in addition to using masks, it is better to include kiwi in your diet