11 / July / 2016 08:32

Saudi bids to revitalize MKO doomed to failure: IRGC

EghtesadOnline: A commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) said efforts by Saudi Arabia and foreign media to pump new blood into the Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO) terrorist group are doomed to failure.

News ID: 767986

According to ISNA, the IRGC spokesman, Brigadier General Ramezan Sharif, said on Sunday that the unanimity and convergence of Al Saud and MKO in a rally in the French capital of Paris showed the Saudi regime’s complicity in the group’s terrorist crimes against the Iranian nation.

He added that the presence of former Saudi intelligence chief, Prince Turki al-Faisal, in the Paris meeting showed the long-lasting bond between the MKO and the Saudi regime in their crimes against the Islamic Revolution and the Iranian nation.

The former Saudi spy chief attended an annual meeting of the MKO in Paris on Saturday and gave a 30-minute address to the gathering.

Faisal's overt pronouncement of support for the terrorist group marked a fresh high in Saudi Arabia's hostility toward Iran and the kingdom's lack of concern about the sentiments of the Iranians.

“It is clear to world opinion that the Al Saud regime is the axis of support for the terrorist movement in the region and beyond it," the IRGC commander said.

He added that the MKO, Daesh, Taliban and tens of other terrorist groups, which are scattered across the Muslim world and the globe, are committing the most heinous crimes against humanity under the leadership and support of the US, the Israeli regime and reactionary regimes in the region, including through extensive financial aid by the Al Saud.

Sharif emphasized that the dark criminal record of the MKO and the support accorded by the US and the Western and Arab allies of the White House and the Israeli regime to the MKO terrorists in their killing of nearly 17,000 Iranian people and officials will never be forgotten and they always deserve the harshest punishment.

The MKO is the most hated terrorist group among the Iranians because of its dark history of assassinations and bombings and for siding with the former Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, in his eight-year war against Iran in the 1980s.

Saudi Arabia is widely believed to have been providing funds and weapons to militants fighting to topple the Syrian and Iraqi governments.

Under the pretext of fighting Iran's influence, the kingdom has also been waging a destructive war on Yemen which has claimed thousands of innocent lives so far.   

Faisal's participation in the MKO gathering and his unequivocal proclamation of support for a group which is internationally listed as a terrorist organization takes the kingdom's aggressive anti-Iran stances to new heights.

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