16 / July / 2016 06:16

Iran blasts terrorist attack in France

EghtesadOnline: Iran categorically slammed the terrorist attack in France.

News ID: 768125

“As we have said frequently, terrorism is an ominous phenomenon which cannot be uprooted but with international cooperation and consensus,” said Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi.

He said that in confronting terrorism any negligence or dual-track approach is doomed to fail, ISNA reports.

On Thursday night, a driver drove a truck at high speed into a large crowd of people who had gathered for Bastille Day fireworks in the southern French city of Nice, killing at least 84 people, including children.

The truck plowed into the crowd over a distance of some two kilometers on the Promenade des Anglais while hitting people, including children, who were celebrating the Bastille Day, which is a national holiday.

France has declared three days of mourning beginning from Saturday and extended the state of emergency that has been in place since the November attacks in Paris and was due to be lifted on July 26.

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