24 / July / 2016 08:36

Saudi not entitled to give Iran’s Hajj quota to others, says official

EghtesadOnline: Head of Iranian Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Saeed O’hadi reiterated that Saudi Arabia does not have the right to give Iran’s Hajj quota to other countries.

News ID: 768512

“Hajj quota of Muslim states are determined by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and therefore, Saudi government is not allowed to give the share, which is legitimate right of Iranian nation and has been lost due to negligence of Saudi Arabia, to other countries,” he said.

He noted that the Islamic Republic of Iran would claim its legitimate right from Saudi Arabia in next Hajj time, according to ISNA.

His remarks came after Pakistani Federal Minister of Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousuf said Iran’s Hajj quota may be distributed among other Muslim countries.

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