13 / October / 2016 10:00

Nasrallah: US wants fighting in Syria to continue

EghtesadOnline: Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Tuesday that the US will continue supporting terrorists in Syria to go on with fighting the national military.

News ID: 770328

Speaking at Sayyed AL-Shuhada complex in Dahiyeh on the 10th Eve of Ashura, Nasrallah stressed that the US has withdrawn from the deal with Russia and has cut the political connections with Moscow after it realized that separating Al-Nusra Front from other terrorist groups is impossible, because relation between both sides is basic, and disassociating Al-Nusra will weaken all other groups and make them unable to help the US.

He revealed that the US administration’s plan is to “concentrate” the terrorists of the so-called ‘Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant’ (ISIL) terrorist group in eastern Syria, i.e. in Raqqa and Deir Ezzor, and along the Iraqi territories, adding that the US war jets helped ISIL terrorists during the Falluja and Anbar battles and helped them to flee away to Syria after defeat in Iraq instead of bombing them, according to IRNA.

Hezbollah Secretary General said that during Mosul operation, the US sought to open road for ISIL to head out of the province to Raqqa and Deir Ezzor in Syria.

“This was proved by the US failure to take part in Raqqa battle,” Nasrallah said, stressing that the US aerial raids against the Syrian army locations in Deir Ezzor was targeting the army itself to seize control over the air base, so that the whole city will be under ISIL control.

“The US wants ISIL to prevail. ISIL’s presence in north Aleppo is not important anymore for the US. That’s why it left the area for Kurds.”

Nasrallah underlined that ISIL and Nusra terrorist groups are being used to serve the Israeli objectives, noting that the Israelis were the first people who voiced objection to the US-Russia deal on Syria.

“There is no political solution waging in Syria… This signifies that the region is still open to more tension, escalation and confrontations… Steadfastness in the battlefield is required,” he said.

Nasrallah stressed, moreover, that Saudi Arabia refuses the political solution in Syria, stating that the Saudi goal “is not to prevail democracy or to hold elections in Syria, but to defeat Syria in favor of the Israelis,” because it constitutes the cornerstone of the Resistance.

“That’s why they refuse any political solution and want to keep the bloodshed. That’s what the US and ‘Israel’ want and what some regional and Persian Gulf states help to achieve,” he said, adding that “if it [Saudi Arabia] wants good for the Syrian people, it has to accept the political solution, lining up the transitional government and holding the election” without putting conditions on presidency candidates.

“Don’t you say that this president [Bashar Al-Assad] has lost his popular support? Let him get down through elections,” he told Saudis.

Sayyed Nasrallah tackled the humanitarian deterioration in Syria, pointing at the Foua and Kefraya towns that are blockaded in northern countryside of Idlib province, revealing that the Syrian government is ready to negotiate any solution regarding those two towns, along with Zabadani and Madaya, but the armed groups and their sponsor states are blocking every solution.

Touching on the conflicts among the armed groups in Syria, Nasrallah told the Syrian army, “If you hand Syria to those people [armed groups], if the Syrian leadership, army and people fail to steadfast, if Syria falls into the hands of those people, Syria’s present and future will be the same as the infighting among those sanctions who have no sense or culture or constraints, but serve states, embassies and intelligence services.”

Touchinh on Yemen, Hezbollah Secretary General stressed that terrorism in the world owes Saudi Arabia the money and the ideology, asking, “Where are the hundreds of millions of dollars? Where are you going while being unable to defend your border positions against the barefoot Yemenis?”

“The available solution today is that Saudi rulers go back to their sense and take the advice from their allies,” Nasrallah said, adding, “If it has any single friend in this world, let him advise its rulers to stop shedding the blood of civilians. Otherwise, this blood will drag them to the bottom of history.”

Nasrallah commented on the massacre committed by Saudi Arabia in the Yemeni capital of Sana'a, stating that it represents “flagrant scandal by the Saudi regime because no one can claim that the attacked hall was close to military positions,” adding that the Saudis are still denying their crime and refusing to open international investigation.

“Saudi Arabia does not allow the injured to leave the country [for recovery] and does not allow the medical aids to reach them,” the Secretary General said, calling for turning the massacre into a way to end the war and to convince the Saudis that they have no hope to triumph, and that the oppressed Yemeni blood will be the victorious.

“You should know that there is no future for this war at all, and that Saudi Arabia’s insistence to proceed with the war on Yemen will end up in a loss. The Saudi leadership will be dragged into abyss,” he stressed.

Nasrallah made it clear that Saudis made a huge mistake when they thought they can end the battle in Yemen within weeks, stating that the “arrogant mind who oppressed Yemenis and considered them inferior imagine that the Yemenis would flee and surrender once he declares war against them.

“This misunderstanding is caused by this mind. For more than a year and a half of fierce war on the Yemeni people , hospitals, mosques, tombs, cities, villages, markets and ships, is there something that hasn’t been bombed yet in Yemen? Even though, Yemenis have persevered in spite of the international silence.

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