05 / December / 2016 24:57

AEOI chief strongly protests to US counterpart on extension of sanctions

EghtesadOnline: Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi strongly protested to the US Energy Minister Ernest Moniz on extension of sanctions against Iran.

News ID: 771978

In a meeting with Moniz in Vienna Sunday evening, the Iranian nuclear chief voiced Iran’s strong protest to the issue and expressed grave concern over the extension of Iran Sanctions Act (ISA) by the US Congress.

According to IRNA, he further stressed Iran’s right to opt for any necessary actions.

Salehi and Moniz are in Vienna to take part in the International Conference on Nuclear Security to be held there December 5-9 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Both officials are to address the meeting.

During his meeting with Moniz, Salehi also stressed Iran’s full commitment to all its obligations to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and called on the US to do the same.

He also called for stopping execution of the ISA regulations.

Moniz said he will inform the US president of Iran’s objections.

He said the US administration is committed to the JCPOA, adding that the American president will use its powers to stop the execution of those parts of the law that should not be implemented according to the JCPOA.

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