16 / February / 2017 22:01

Russia, Iran, Turkey representatives to hold bilateral meetings in Astana

EghtesadOnline: Representatives of Syria ceasefire guarantor countries - Russia, Iran, and Turkey - are due to hold a range of bilateral meetings in Kazakhstan’s Astana on Wednesday, a source close to the talks told TASS.

News ID: 773987

The consultations will take place ahead of a high-level meeting on the Syrian settlement scheduled for February 16, ISNA reported.

"The beginning of another meeting in the framework of the Astana process on settlement in Syria is postponed until noon (9.00 a.m. Moscow Time) on February 16, 2017," Kazakhstan’s foreign ministry said.

Meanwhile, Iranian deputy foreign minister Hossein Jaberi Ansari met with Vladimir Putin's special envoy for Syria, Alexander Lavrentyev on Tuesday ahead of the peace talk in Astana.

During this meeting, they exchanged views on the latest developments in Syria, arrangements made to continue ceasefire in the war-hit country and to hold the second round of Astana meeting.

The first round of Astana talks on Syrian settlement was held in the Kazakh capital on 23-24 February 2017 with the participation of delegations of Iran, Russia, and Turkey as observers and representatives of the Syrian government and a number of armed opposition group.

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