08 / March / 2017 15:53

Shahid Rajaei Port: Iran’s Busiest Border Terminal

EghtesadOnline: Based on figures released by Iran’s Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization, Shahid Rajaei Port in the city of Bandar Abbas in the southern province of Hormozgan accounted for 39% (more than 2.95 million tons of goods) of all cargo transit in Iran during the 11 months to February 18.

News ID: 774468

According to Alireza Mojarrad, the head of Hormozgan Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization, this makes it the busiest among a total of 32 border transit terminals in the country, IRNA reported. “Transits to and from Shahid Rajaei Port accounted for 29% and 10% of the total amount of cargo transit during the period respectively,” he said.

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