16 / September / 2017 13:19

IRGC infiltrates into US military’s command centers: Aerospace Force Commander

EghtesadOnline: A senior Iranian commander says that over the recent years, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) has infiltrated into the US military’s command centers and has evidence of their support for Daesh terrorists.

News ID: 779214

“We have documents showing the behavior of the Americans in Iraq and Syria. We know what the Americans did there; what they neglected and how they supported Daesh,” IRGC Aerospace Force Commander Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said in a Friday TV interview.

If the IRGC is allowed to release those documents, it would bring about more "scandals" for the US, the commander pointed out.

The Americans, among others, "have come to Iraq and Syria to disintegrate them, but what eventually happened was Iran’s will. I see no army in the world to be on a par with the IRGC,” he added.

The US has long been accused of colluding with Daesh to provide safe passage and logistic support to members of the Takfiri group in conflict zones.

The US and its allies have been bombarding what they call Daesh positions inside Syria since September 2014 without any authorization from the Damascus government or a UN mandate.

He also announced that Iran possesses domestically-made 10-ton “father of all bombs” that dwarfs the most powerful non-nuclear weapon of the US.

“Following a proposal by the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), [Iran’s] Defense Industries [Organization] manufactured a 10-ton bomb. These bombs are at our disposal. They can be launched from Ilyushin aircraft and they are highly destructive,” Hajizadeh said.

The commander referred to the ordnance as Iran’s “father of all bombs” as compared with the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast Bomb (MOAB), also known as the "mother of all bombs," which the US Air Force dropped on tunnels in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province from an MC-130 aircraft in April.

The MOAB weighs about 22,000 pounds (9,800 kg), and was said to be the most powerful non-nuclear weapon ever designed. It was developed during the US war on Iraq and is intended to target large below-surface areas.


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