29 / October / 2017 24:41

Pakistani Delegation in Iran

EghtesadOnline: A Pakistani business delegation arrived in Mashhad on Friday for a two-day stay in the northeastern city and the capital of the northeastern Khorasan Razavi Province.

News ID: 780138

The 40-strong delegation, active in a wide range of fields, including agriculture and rubber, are scheduled to visit the capital city Tehran to attend the Second Export Capabilities Exhibition of Iran, which will be held in Shahr-e-Aftab (Sun City) complex in southern Tehran on Oct. 31. Zahedan in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province will be the last leg of their Iran visit, IRNA reported. Pakistan and Iran intend to increase their $359 million trade in 2016 to $5 billion by 2021, according to Financial Tribune.


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