02 / December / 2018 10:37

Iran Economic News Headlines - December 1

EghtesadOnline: Here are Iran's economic news headlines for December 1:

News ID: 784367

1. Central Bank of Iran Governor Abdolnasser Hemmati: The dollar will keep depreciating [against the rial]. (IRNA)

2. President Hassan Rouhani: Production, employment and inflation control are the basis of the next fiscal budget bill [March 2019-20]. (Mehr News Agency)

3. Mohammad Baqer Nobakht, the head of Plan and Budget Organization: A 20% increase in the wages of public employees, which is equivalent to one-fifth of their salaries, will be considered in the budget bill of the next fiscal year [March 2019-20]. (IRNA)

4. Hossein Selahvarzi, the deputy head of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture: Iran’s decline in the rankings of the World Bank’s East of Doing Business is to blame more on domestic policies rather than US sanctions. (Otaghiranonline.ir)

5. Chairman of Iran-Russia Chamber of Commerce Hadi Tizhoush Taban: The deal on Iran-EEU Free Trade Zone is an opportunity to improve exports to Russia. (IRNA)

6. Akbar Komijani, the vice chairman of Central Bank of Iran: Iran’s economy is bank-centered. (IRNA)

7. Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Farhad Dejpasand: Economic policies [in Iran] are not made by a single person. (IRNA)

8. Economist Farshad Fatemi: The decline in oil revenues could open up opportunities to develop Iran's untapped potentials. (Otaghiranonline.ir)

9. Deputy Roads and Urban Development Minister Mohammad Saeed Izadi: Up to 30% of Iranian cities need to undergo urban renovation. (Mehr News Agency)

10. Majid Nami, a board member of Iran’s Textile and Apparel Production and Export Union: Close to $3 billion worth of contraband apparel are imported into Iran every year. (ILNA)

11. Director for International Relations at Directorate-General Agriculture at the European Commission John Clarke: The European Union supports Iran’s accession to World Trade Organization. (Mehr News Agency)

12. Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian: The private sector supplies 60% of Iran's needed electricity. (IRNA)

13. Minister of Industries, Mining and Trade Reza Rahmani: The government has no plans to raise bread prices. (Mehr News Agency)

14. Sadreddin Niyavarani, the deputy head of the National Union of Exporters and Importers of Agricultural Products: Iranian apples have found new markets in India and Russia. (Mehr News Agency)


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