13 / May / 2024 08:46

Iran’s Ministry of Agriculture to Focus on Export-Based Production

Iran’s Ministry of Agriculture to Focus on Export-Based Production

Iran’s Minister of Agriculture said his ministry is concentrating on export-based production in the current Iranian calendar year (started March 20, 2024).

News ID: 842077

EghtesadOnline: Speaking in a session held in the presence of senior managers of the ministry, Mohammad Ali Nikbakht said more than $1 billion of agricultural products were exported from the country in the previous Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2023, to March 19, 2024), showing a 13 and 23 percent hike in weight and value respectively compared to a year earlier.

He pointed to the current year’s motto “Production Jump with the People’s Participation” and added that his ministry will make efforts to materialize the objectives of the motto.

Nikbakht called on the responsible organizations and companies to provide exporters of agricultural products with the necessary facilities in order to spur exports and export activities, IRNA reported.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the agriculture minister termed investing in the aquaculture and fisheries sectors as an opportunity for realizing the goals of the production jump, noting that fisheries and aquaculture sectors have ample capacities and they can also improve the productivity of soil and water. / Tasnim

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