
tag Measures

New Measures to Help Iran's Non-Oil Exports

EghtesadOnline: First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri at the weekend called for implementation of the so-called “package of measures to assist non-oil exports.”
Publish Date:28/January/2020 | 10:50

New Measures Needed to Support Reinsurance Sector

EghtesadOnline: New US sanctions and major reinsurance companies' aversion to play their proper role has deprived the country of the ability to transfer major risks outside its borders and to the top international players in the key sector.
Publish Date:16/November/2019 | 24:19

Airlines Allowed to Boost Passenger Capacity

EghtesadOnline: Domestic airlines, which were allowed to sell tickets for up to 60% of their total seating capacity when they resumed operations a few months ago, can now increase their booking to capacity, provided they strictly comply with guidelines of the National Coronavirus Headquarters on new measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
Publish Date:01/September/2020 | 11:29
The Deputy Minister of Jihad for Agriculture explained according to statistics:

Creating the necessary measures to strengthen and develop non-governmental organizations

EghtesadOnline: According to statistics, the Deputy Minister of Jihad for Agriculture explained the duties and prospects of the Office for Organizing Trade Unions and Non-Governmental Organizations in the year of the production leap.
Publish Date:18/April/2020 | 14:41

More ‘Decisive’ Nuclear Steps Likely If Europe Fails to Act

EghtesadOnline: Iran is likely to take more "decisive" measures if the European signatories to the 2015 nuclear deal fail to fulfill their obligations, says a political analyst, who believes it would be a "strategic" mistake if Europe decides to trigger sanctions snapback.
Publish Date:26/October/2019 | 14:46

Iran Mulls Measures for Curbing Cyber Threats

EghtesadOnline: Iran wants to roll out a system for “securing online transactions and communications”, the outlines of which were ratified in the late Saturday session of the High Council of Cyberspace attended by President Hassan Rouhani.
Publish Date:29/July/2019 | 10:59

New CBI Measures to Help Forex Stability

EghtesadOnline: Bank-affiliated exchange bureaux are required to cut the cost on money transfers in order to facilitate currency deals in banknote and hawala, the Central Bank of Iran reported on its website.
Publish Date:13/April/2019 | 14:43

Iran Committed to Tangible AML/CFT Measures

EghtesadOnline: The intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force convenes in Paris this week for its plenary meeting. Among other things, it will look into Iran's progress with the Action Plan, the anti-money laundering body says is necessary for Iran to fulfill if it wants to be removed from the list countries with money laundering and financing of terrorism risks.
Publish Date:16/February/2019 | 24:04