برچسب Iran IRICA

Iran’s Foreign Trade with Neighbors Hits $61bln in One Year: IRICA

Iran’s trade exchanges with its 15 neighbors in the previous Iranian calendar year (ended March 19, 2024) reached $60.773 billion, showing a 1.35% hike compared to a year earlier, the head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA) said.
Publish Date:04/April/2024 | 08:38

IRICA Chief in Turkey

EghtesadOnline: Foroud Asgari, the new head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration, left Iran for Turkey at the head of a delegation to meet the neighboring country’s deputy ministers of customs and trade, and economy.
Publish Date:27/September/2017 | 11:59

Economy Minister Appoints IRICA Caretaker

EghtesadOnline: New Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance Masoud Karbasian appointed Foroud Asgari as the caretaker of the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration on Monday.
Publish Date:22/August/2017 | 13:09