South Pars

tag South Pars

Iran overtakes Qatar in producing gas from South Pars

The Director of the Gas Dispatching Department in the National Iranian Gas Company stated that Iran’s gas production from a field it shares with Qatar in the Persian Gulf has exceeded that of Qatar.
Publish Date:24/December/2024 | 14:44

South Pars Phase 11 Gains Momentum

EghtesadOnline: Development operations to lay subsea pipelines and install the platforms of Phase 11 of the South Pars Gas Field in the Persian Gulf have gained momentum, the contractor of SP Phase 11 said.
Publish Date:11/January/2022 | 15:59

South Pars Completion Requires Investment of $7.5 Billion

EghtesadOnline: Nearly $80 billion have been invested in the upstream sector of South Pars Gas Field in the Persian Gulf so far, but more is needed to complete the unfinished phases in the huge field, managing director of the National Iranian Oil Company said.
Publish Date:25/October/2021 | 15:04

Augmenting South Pars Gas Output on Agenda

EghtesadOnline: In line with plans to augment gas output from the South Pars Gas Field in the Persian Gulf, operations to drill new wells will start in October, the head of Oil and Gas Engineering Department at Pars Oil and Gas Company said.
Publish Date:04/September/2021 | 14:45

2 More Offshore Platforms Installed at South Pars

EghtesadOnline: To fast track gas production from South Pars Gas Field in the Persian Gulf, offshore platforms of phases 23 and 24 were installed on Wednesday.
Publish Date:16/November/2019 | 24:18

SPD 9 Platform Resumes Production

EghtesadOnline: Gas production at one of the platforms of the giant South Pars Gas Field off the Persian Gulf, which had been damaged, has been fully repaired, the operations manager of Pars Oil and Gas Company said.
Publish Date:21/October/2019 | 14:08

Renewed Call for Using Domestic Gas Capacity

EghtesadOnline: The equipment needed in South Pars Phase 11 offshore venture, which is expected to be developed by China National Petroleum Corp and Iran’s state-owned firm Petropars, will cost $2.8 billion, chairman of the board of directors of Iranian Petroleum Industries Equipment Manufacturers Association said. "As per the deal, contractors are obliged to meet 51% of their requirements from domestic manufacturers before relying on foreign suppliers," Reza Padidar was also quoted as saying by ILNA on Saturday.
Publish Date:02/September/2018 | 08:13

South Pars Phase 14 Satellite Platform Loaded

EghtesadOnline: To complete the development project of South Pars Phase 14, loading operations to transfer satellite platform 14C for installation in the Persian Gulf were carried out in the yard of Iran Marine Industrial Company, aka Sadra, in Bushehr, a company official said.
Publish Date:02/September/2018 | 08:12

Gas Transfer Capacity in South Pars Increases

EghtesadOnline: Pipelines connecting offshore platforms of the South Pars Gas Field's phases 6-8 in the Persian Gulf to the offshore refineries of phases 4-5 have gone on stream, adding 3 million cubic meters to the facilities' gas transfer capacity.
Publish Date:20/June/2018 | 14:04

South Pars Flare Tripods Ready for Installation

EghtesadOnline: Two tripods for the flare stacks of the South Pars phases 23 and 24 are ready to be installed in the Persian Gulf, the director of phases 22-24 said.
Publish Date:27/February/2018 | 08:02

Launch of 5 South Pars Phases Planned by March 2019

EghtesadOnline: Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh has announced that five phases of the South Pars Gas Field in the Persian Gulf will go on stream in the next fiscal year (starting March 21).
Publish Date:24/January/2018 | 10:27

South Pars Phase 14 Launch in February

EghtesadOnline: Early production from South Pars Gas Field's Phase 14 in the Persian Gulf is planned to start in mid-February, the director of the phase said this week.
Publish Date:14/January/2018 | 16:06

Fresh Impetus for South Pars DMC Unit Construction

EghtesadOnline: The venture to build the demercaptanization of gas condensate (DMC) unit at the South Pars 2nd Refinery (belonging to phases 2 and 3) has received fresh impetus, as utility units are readied for installation, director of the project said.
Publish Date:14/January/2018 | 15:56

South Pars Phase 14 Launch in February

EghtesadOnline: Early production from South Pars Gas Field's Phase 14 in the Persian Gulf is planned to start in mid-February, the director of the phase said this week.
Publish Date:07/January/2018 | 10:50

South Pars Phase 13 Refinery Project Picks Up Pace

EghtesadOnline: In line with efforts to complete the development project of South Pars , the first boiler for Phase 13 gas refinery went on stream on Friday, the director of Phase 13 development project said.
Publish Date:26/November/2017 | 07:15

Iran's South Pars Crude Production Exceeds 4.5 Million Barrels

EghtesadOnline: Iran has produced over 4.5 million barrels of crude from the oil layer of South Pars , the world's largest gas field in the Persian Gulf, since production began nearly eight months ago, the director of the oil layer said.
Publish Date:20/November/2017 | 07:18

South Pars Phase 13 Completion in 2018

EghtesadOnline: Phase 13 of the South Pars Gas Field in the Persian Gulf is scheduled for launch next year, an important piece of Iran's production plan from the world's largest gas field that is shared with Qatar.
Publish Date:18/November/2017 | 15:43