tag AT&T

Trump Would Block AT&T -Time Warner Deal in Media Crackdown

EghtesadOnline: Donald Trump said he would block the AT&T Inc.-Time Warner Inc. tie-up if he becomes president, arguing that such media combinations leave too much power concentrated among too few companies, including ones he says are hostile to his presidential bid and rigging the election for Hillary Clinton.
Publish Date:23/October/2016 | 09:34

Trump uses policy speech to attack media, promises to sue accusers

EghtesadOnline: U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump promised on Saturday to foil a proposed deal for AT&T to buy Time Warner if he wins the Nov. 8 election, arguing it was an example of a "power structure" rigged against both him and voters.
Publish Date:23/October/2016 | 05:32

Trump uses policy speech to attack media, promises to sue accusers

EghtesadOnline: U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump promised on Saturday to foil a proposed deal for AT&T to buy Time Warner if he wins the Nov. 8 election, arguing it was an example of a "power structure" rigged against both him and voters.
Publish Date:23/October/2016 | 05:32

AT&T Said to Consider Stopping All Samsung Note 7 Sales

EghtesadOnline: AT&T Inc. is considering stopping all sales of Samsung Electronics Co.’s flagship Galaxy Note 7 over concerns about the smartphone’s safety, according to a person familiar with the situation.
Publish Date:09/October/2016 | 20:39

House panel wants Google, Facebook, AT&T CEOs to testify on internet rules

EghtesadOnline: The chairman of the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee on Tuesday asked chief executives from companies representing the two sides of the net neutrality debate, including Alphabet, Facebook, AT&T and Verizon, to testify at a Sept. 7 hearing.
Publish Date:26/July/2017 | 06:03

AT&T to buy Time Warner for $85 billion, create telecom-media giant

EghtesadOnline: AT&T Inc said on Saturday it agreed to buy Time Warner Inc for $85.4 billion, the boldest move yet by a telecommunications company to acquire content to stream over its high-speed network to attract a growing number of online viewers.
Publish Date:23/October/2016 | 05:29

AT&T , Apple, Google to work on 'robocall' crackdown

EghtesadOnline: More than 30 major technology and communication companies said on Friday they are joining the U.S. government to crack down on "robocalls," automated, prerecorded phone calls that regulators have labeled a "scourge."
Publish Date:20/August/2016 | 08:52

Verizon eyes automotive technology market, could spur other deals

EghtesadOnline: Verizon Communications Inc's recent purchases of two vehicle tracking firms could spark more deals as the No. 1 wireless provider and rival AT&T see fleet management as a source of growth, analysts said.
Publish Date:10/August/2016 | 09:15