Housing Loan

tag Housing Loan
The head of the Housing Foundation announced in an interview with EghtesadOnline:

Start of the 400 Million Toman Rural Housing Loan in December/ We hope Banks will cooperate in providing the loans

Soleimani, the head of the Housing Foundation of the Islamic Revolution, emphasized that no program in the country's development plans has been more successful than rural housing reconstruction. He mentioned that the Planning Organization is issuing guarantee letters for the 400 million Toman rural housing loans and sending them to the Central Bank, with the possibility of the loan payments starting by the end of December.
Publish Date:10/December/2024 | 14:25

Housing Loan Ceilings for Youth Savings Account Raised

EghtesadOnline: Bank Maskan, the state agent bank of the housing sector, has increased the amount of loans it offers under the Youth Savings Account to applicants in Tehran by 60%, from 2,500 million rials ($8,503) to 4,000 million rials ($13,605).
Publish Date:30/September/2020 | 14:15