Iran Foreign Finance

tag Iran Foreign Finance

Gov’t to Devise Spending Plan for $12 Billion Foreign Finance

EghtesadOnline: First Vice President Es'haq Jahangiri has officially ordered three Cabinet members to devise a spending plan for the $12 billion foreign finance finalized in the post-sanctions era by prioritizing the country's most urgent needs.
Publish Date:30/January/2018 | 15:06

Iran Prioritizes Three Sectors for Using Foreign Finance

EghtesadOnline: Iran will use the recent flow of foreign finance it received mainly to fund export and energy sectors in addition to projects boosting jobs, the head of the Organization for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran announced.
Publish Date:28/November/2017 | 09:45

Private Sector Prime Beneficiary of Foreign Finance Deals

EghtesadOnline: Following complaints from the business community that it is not getting its fair share from the recent inflow of foreign finance, Economy Minister Masoud Karbasian sought to put those concerns to rest, saying the private sector is at the vanguard of receiving the funds.
Publish Date:07/October/2017 | 06:14

Iran Private Sector Seeks Share of Finance

EghtesadOnline: Head of the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture Gholamhossein Shafei will soon attend the next meeting of the Money and Credit Council–a financial decision-making body–to negotiate a share for the private sector from the recent stream of foreign finance flowing into the country, ICCIMA’s deputy head announced.
Publish Date:27/September/2017 | 11:37

Iranian Projects Using $30b of Foreign Finance Specified

EghtesadOnline: According to Iran’s budget bill for the 2017-18 fiscal year, the government is allowed to attract up to $55 billion in foreign finance, of which projects using $30 billion have already been specified, a deputy roads and urban development minister said.
Publish Date:23/September/2017 | 13:04

Gov’t Sole Guarantor of Foreign Finance Deals

EghtesadOnline: Following misleading reports in the media, the Central Bank of Iran has sought to set the record straight on the recent stream of foreign finance deals, saying the government is their sole guarantor and that oil revenues are not involved.
Publish Date:20/September/2017 | 09:38

Iran's Deal With South Korea Ushers New FDI Era

EghtesadOnline: Iran is in dire need of foreign finance after years of hard-hitting sanctions and more than glad to wrap up deals worth $40 billion negotiated or agreed upon in the post-sanctions era.
Publish Date:30/August/2017 | 14:01

$12 Billion in Foreign Finance on the Way

EghtesadOnline: Iran will sign new finance contracts worth $12 billion with three Asian and European banks within a month, deputy governor for foreign exchange affairs at the Central Bank of Iran announced.
Publish Date:29/July/2017 | 11:47

Iran Expecting $50b in Foreign Finance

EghtesadOnline: After the implementation of Iran's nuclear accord with world powers, the country has negotiated its way to attract $50 billion worth of foreign finance expected to flow into the country soon, a report by Economy Ministry's Organization for Investment, Economic and Technical Assistance of Iran has revealed.
Publish Date:06/April/2017 | 17:20

Foreign Investment to Help Diversify Iran's Petrochem Products

EghtesadOnline: Streamlining the process of attracting foreign finance can help domestic petrochemical companies to diversify their products, the head of the Energy and Environment Commission of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture said.
Publish Date:31/October/2017 | 06:43

CBI’s Six-Point Roadmap on Foreign Finance Projects

EghtesadOnline: In his latest directive to the chief executives of banks, Governor of the Central Bank of Iran Valiollah Seif has laid down guidelines on how to spend any absorbed foreign finance to optimally boost national growth.
Publish Date:05/September/2017 | 11:22

Foreign Finance Crux of Oil Industry Development

EghtesadOnline: Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said attracting foreign investment will be the centerpiece of his ministry in the next four years, hoping to build up on a multibillion-dollar gas deal with France's Total that is widely seen as one of his signature accomplishments as oil minister.
Publish Date:21/August/2017 | 07:31

Foreign Finance to Help Uplift Refining Sector

EghtesadOnline: Many outdated Iranian oil and gas refineries are posting losses or hardly operating at breakeven point, but a new wave of foreign investments will help the aging facilities significantly bump up their profit, a top oil official said.
Publish Date:30/July/2017 | 08:44

Iran Says $13b Korean Finance On the Way

EghtesadOnline: Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance has confirmed local media reports of an imminent South Korean $13 billion credit line to support Iranian projects–a measure, which if finalized, will mark the biggest instance of foreign finance for the country since the implementation of the nuclear accord in January 2016.
Publish Date:17/June/2017 | 05:32

Iranian Gov't Guarantees Foreign Finance

EghtesadOnline: According to a directive issued by the Cabinet, Economy Minister Ali Tayyebnia has been authorized, on behalf of the government, to guarantee the repayment of the principal amount plus the interest of finance taken from foreign banks, export insurance firms and international development institutions, reported.
Publish Date:08/March/2017 | 15:56