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Iranian Deputy FM Blasts Merkel's Remarks as "Unreal, Unconstructive"

Jul 10, 2016, 10:04 AM
News ID: 32
Iranian Deputy FM Blasts Merkel's Remarks as "Unreal, Unconstructive"

Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Majid Takht Ravanchi lambasted German Chancellor Angela Merkel for her "unreal and unconstructive" remarks, and said Tehran's missile program doesn’t violate the UN Security Council resolution 2231.

"We have announced that our missile activities are for defensive purposes, aren’t related to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, and don’t violate the JCPOA and (UNSC) Resolution 2231," Takht Ravanchi said on Sunday.

He said Iran's missiles are no way in violation of Resolution 2231 as have not been designed to carry nuclear warheads.

"Therefore, Mrs. Merkel's remarks are far from reality and are not constructive and we certainly don’t expect a country with which we have friendly relations to take such positions," Takht Ravanchi said.

Also on Saturday, the Iranian foreign ministry lashed out at Merkel for her "unconstructive" comments against Tehran's missile program, and underlined the country's firm determination to continue progress in defense fields.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has announced many times that its missile program is fully defensive and has not been designed to carry nuclear warheads at all; therefore, it doesn’t violate UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and is no way related to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (nuclear agreement between Iran and the world powers inked last July)," Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi said.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has repeatedly stated that it will highly strongly continue its missile program based on its defensive doctrines and national security calculus and such remarks have no influence on the country's legitimate missile program at all," he added.

Merkel said in the Bundestag on Thursday that Iran "continued unabated to develop its rocket program in conflict with the relevant provisions of the UN Security Council”.

Merkel claimed that NATO's anti-missile system targets Iran's rocket program and was "developed purely for defense".

Their claims came as Iranian President Hassan Rouhani underlined in March the defensive nature of his country's missile program, and advised foreign powers to adopt the policy of peace and friendship instead of enmity and distrust.

"Our people dislike tensions. Countries which have maintained the path of tension are advised to return to the path of peace and friendship. Those who unfairly took our missile test case to the UN Security Council came back disappointed," Rouhani told reporters in Tehran after a cabinet meeting.

"We have no intention to invade our neighbors. Our missile program is completely for defense purposes," he added.

Also in February, Iranian Army Chief Commander Ataollah Salehi said Tehran will continue to develop its missile program as it doesn't violate the terms of its recent nuclear deal with the world powers.

“We are fulfilling our work and will continue in the future to strengthen and develop our missile program,” Salehi said.