28 / September / 2024 01:47

US imposes sanctions over Iran oil shipment

US imposes sanctions over Iran oil shipment

The US Treasury Department has announced sanctions on more than a dozen entities and vessels over what it called their involvement in the shipment of Iranian crude oil and liquid petroleum gas to Syria and East Asia.

News ID: 2000118

EghtesadOnline:  The Treasury announced the sanctions in a statement on Wednesday, saying that four ships associated with the fleet of Syrian shipping magnate Abdul Jalil Mallah and his brother, Luay al-Mallah, were among the vessels included in the measures, Reuters said, citing a statement by the department.

The statement accused the Syrian brothers of continuing to use their “shipping empire” to support what the US called “malign activities of Iran and its proxies.”

The department alleged that Iran continues with “its illicit sale of oil and liquid petroleum gas” by the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement.

Iran has not reacted yet, but it has dismissed in the past the allegations by the US and its Western allies regarding what they call malign activities by the country and the resistance groups it supports in the region.

Iran has said that those groups decide and act independently. Iran has also described as illegal US sanctions against its oil sales. / Mehr

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