Iran to launch new advanced centrifuges: AEOI

Spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi said that the organization plans to activate a series of new and advanced centrifuges in response to the IAEA politically-motivated resolution.
EghtesadOnline: The International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors on Thursday voted 19 to 3, with 12 abstentions, for the resolution, brought by the UK, France, and Germany (E3), that accused the Islamic Republic of poor cooperation with the agency.
Speaking in a televised interview on Friday, Kamalvandi said that after the resolution was issued, the AEOI immediately started its remedial measures.
"We will significantly increase the enrichment capacity with different kinds of advanced machines," he said, naming the increase in the speed of industrial research and development as another measure that would be taken by Iran in response to the resolution.
He further stressed that after the resolution was issued, the President and the AEOI chief issued the necessary orders, and the process started that night.
"Soon, the IAEA will surely provide its reports and it will be clear that what they did led to the increase of Iran's nuclear industry capacity in various fields," he added.
The AEOI official said that the IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi was informed during his visit to Iran that Tehran is seeking interaction but if the IAEA wants to adopt other methods, the Islamic Republic is also ready to act accordingly.
ran has announced it has launched new advanced centrifuges after the E3-US drafted resolution was passed at the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors (IAEA BoG) on Thursday night.
In a joint statement, the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) and the Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the passing of the resolution as a politically motivated, unrealistic, and counterproductive move. / Mehr