24 / July / 2016 08:24

Iran condemns terrorist attack in Afghanistan

Iran condemns terrorist attack in Afghanistan

EghtesadOnline: Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi condemned Saturdy terrorist attack in Kabul which claimed the lives of tens of people.

News ID: 735287

Qasemi condemned the terrorist explosion in Afghanistan, adding that no excuse is accepted for killing innocent people and acts of violence and terror are condemned anywhere across the world.

While describing such moves ‘inhumane’ and ‘non-Islamic’, Ghasemi added “as we have stated numerous times, without cooperation and common understanding among all countries in the international community, the eradication of the scourge of terrorism will never be possible.”

Also in a Tweet on Saturday, according to ILNA, Foreign Minister Mohmmad Javad Zarif condemned the terrorist attack, saying "Afghanistan terror bombings [are] another instance of depth of Daesh depravity: Shia & Sunni are both victims & must unite to defeat extremists."

The Saturday joint suicide bombing which has been claimed by ISIL came during a peaceful demonstration by a minority group in Kabul made up of Shia Muslims, and left 81 people dead and at least 260 others wounded. The attack has been the first by ISIL to hit the country’s capital city, and considered the deadliest since US forces invaded Afghanistan in 2001.

According to dispatches, the Daesh (ISIS) claimed a bombing that left at least 80 people dead Saturday at a peaceful demonstration in the Afghan capital of Kabul.

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