25 / July / 2016 10:43

Iran condemns terrorist attack in Iraq's Kadhymein

Iran condemns terrorist attack in Iraq's Kadhymein

EghtesadOnline: Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qassemi condemned the terrorist attack in the Iraqi city of Kadhymein which killed and injured tens of innocent citizens of the Arab country.

News ID: 735339

Qassemi expressed sympathy with the Iraqi government, nation and particularly the families of the victims of the terrorist attack, reports IRNA. 

The foreign ministry spokesman once again reiterated the need for international responsibility in effectively supporting the Iraqi nation and government in their fight against terrorism and Takfiri terrorist group. 

The Iraqi medical and security sources announced the number of victims of Kadhymein terrorist attack reached 21 and 35 others were injured.

The terrorist attack happened in the security zone near the entrance of Kadhymein on Sunday morning. 

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