20 / November / 2016 10:37

LORC to produce euro 4 gasoline

LORC to produce euro 4 gasoline

EghtesadOnline: Managing Director of Lavan Oil Refining Company (LORC) Mohammad-Ali Akhbari says Lavan Refinery will produce 2.8 million liters/day euro 4 gasoline by end of this Iranian calendar year of 1395 (March 20, 2016-March 20, 2017) once the isomerization unit is operational.

News ID: 738144

Ministry of Petroleum website quotes Akhbari as saying, 'Thus the quality of its gasoline output will be promoted to euro 4 from euro 2.' 
He said once the projects are operational, all the oil, gas and gasoline products of LORC will be at the standard- level and euro 4 in quality.
According to IRNA, he added that the catalytic supply to the unit was made in Farvardin (March 20-April 21), the first month in the Iranian calendar year and they are getting loaded after installation and the unit will be operational by end of this year.
The official referred to complexities the LORC has been facing that resulted in prolongation of enforcement of its development projects and enumerated the complexities as the under license projects, sanctions, equipment purchase from unknown Chinese and Indian companies over the past years, import of low quality and times sub-standard equipment, problems caused by contractors for delivery of project and finally firing of the contractor and construction of the u nit by the refinery personnel.
He noted that for the time being, the projects are completed by the refinery personnel and have shown favorable progress. 'If facing no special problem, we will witness inauguration of the unit soon.'
He then put the cost of construction of the under license units at 108.608 million euros and that of the side services at more than 83 billion euros.
He then referred to increase in number of gasoline octane, less sulfur of gasoil and of other products, increase in production of LPG to 200 tons, that of gasoline to more than 2.8 million liters, that of gas oil to three million liters a day, that of fuel jet to one million, that of fuel oil to three million liters a day as the most important advantages of the projects.
With inauguration of the projects for enhancement of product ion capacity and better quality of LORC products, the isomerization process will be used for transferring light oil to isomerite, said Akhbari, adding that the main goal behind the process is to raise number of octane of the feedstock supply. 'Once the ison unit is operational, the main part of the quality promotion of product, let's say isomerite gasoline production, will be accomplished and 600,000 to 700,000 liters will be added to daily gasoline production capacity.

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