22 / April / 2017 06:01

Russia-Iran-Turkey continue to strengthen Syria ceasefire: Lavrov

Russia-Iran-Turkey continue to strengthen Syria ceasefire: Lavrov

EghtesadOnline: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Friday that his country’s cooperation with Iran and Turkey will continue to strengthen ceasefire in Syria.

News ID: 741082

Ceasefire in Syria came into force on December 30, 2016 on the initiative of Iran, Russia and Turkey, as UN Security Council had called on the Syrian Army and many of the armed group to observe it.

Lavrov told reporters on Friday that Tehran, Moscow and Ankara are cooperating to devise a mechanism and react to violations of the ceasefire, IRNA reported.

The three countries not only report cases of violations but also give proportionate response to violators, he said.

Under Syrian talks in Astana, efforts are underway to conclude an agreement to bring the areas accepting ceasefire in a bid to expel the extremists and terrorists from their territories, Lavorv said.

The first round of Astana Syrian talks attended by representatives of the Syrian government and armed groups was held during on 23-24, the first face to face talks between representatives of the legal Syrian government and representatives of the dissident groups.

The fourth round of the talks was held on March 14, 2017, but dissidents refused to take part in it.

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