26 / August / 2017 05:31

Iran protests US pressure on IAEA

Iran protests US pressure on IAEA

EghtesadOnline: Iran's Mission to the United Nations protested the US pressure on international bodies following an American official meeting with the International nuclear watchdog officials in Vienna.

News ID: 743478

The US Ambassador to the UN trip to Vienna is aimed at pressuring the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regarding Iran nuclear program and it is in line with Washington unilateral measures against international organizations, Iran's Permanent Mission to the UN said in a statement on Thursday, following Nikki Haley meeting with the IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano in the Austrian capital, IRNA reported.

US claim about Iran's refusal to allow access to the IAEA inspectors despite this international organization's seven reports on Islamic Republic compliance with its obligations is an example of American officials' unfamiliarity with the international bodies' working mechanism, the statement added.

It said that US ambassado'sr wrong interpretation of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 is another example of US officials' unfamiliarity with international bodies.

The Iranian Mission to the UN said in the statement that pressuring the international bodies will only result in Washington isolation in the international community.

The objectives and the results of Haley’s trip to Vienna contradict the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and the UN Security Council Resolution 2231 which insist on necessity of this international body independence, the statement added.

It noted that the US statement questions the IAEA credibility and its reports.

It referred to the US allegation in the statement on the so called manipulation of ambiguous phrases in the nuclear deal by Iran and said such remarks have roots in Washington policy for weakening the JCPOA.

Iran is bound to its obligations including the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), safeguard agreement, JCPOA and the additional protocol, the Iranian Mission to the UN said.

It said that Iran will not permit a specific state to manipulate international rules for its own imprudent political goals.

The statement noted that Iran expects the IAEA to perform their tasks regarding the JCPOA with professionalism and honesty. 

Political analysts believe that US is trying to find an excuse to sabotage the nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers (US, UK, Russia, China, France plus Germany) in 2015 in Vienna.


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