10 / September / 2017 07:21

Iran urges immediate halt to violence against Myanmar Muslims

Iran urges immediate halt to violence against Myanmar Muslims

EghtesadOnline: Immediate halt to violence against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and addressing the problem of the refugees in the country should become a collective goal followed by all Islamic nations, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said.

News ID: 743729

'A major tragedy is underway in Myanmar,' President Rouhani said during a meeting with his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the Kazakh capital Astana Saturday evening.

According to IRNA, Rouhani is in Kazakhstan to participate in a special meeting to be held on Sunday by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Astana over the Rohingya crisis.

The Iranian President stressed immediate addressing of the issue of the Muslim refugees who are fleeing Myanmar to find shelter in the neighboring countries.

Iran will soon dispatch its humanitarian aid to the crisis-stricken Muslims in Myanmar, Rouhani said, adding that cooperation between the Islamic countries, particularly Iran and Turkey can be effective solve the problem.

Rouhani went on to say that Iran, Turkey and all Islamic nations should put pressure on Myanmar government to stop violence against Muslims.

The Iranian President further hoped that the Sunday OIC meeting in the Kazakh capital would give a clear message to those who are the cause of the violence in Myanmar.


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