18 / September / 2017 07:10

Iran warns US against continuation of anti-Iran policies

Iran warns US against continuation of anti-Iran policies

EghtesadOnline: Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Qasemi on Sunday warned the US about continuation of anti-Iran policies and urged White house officials to adopt a rational approach towards the Islamic Republic of Iran.

News ID: 743817

'US decision-makers should have a deeper look at the consequences of their wrong and failed anti-Iranian hostile policies,' Qasemi made the remarks on Sunday in reaction to the recent Washington sanctions against Iranian individuals and entities.

'US accusations about Iranian citizens' cyber attack are baseless,' he noted in a reference to the release of a list of Iranian citizens that are wanted by FBI for cyber attack against Washington.

According to IRNA, the official said that the US measures are in line with the country's Iranophobia policy.


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