24 / February / 2018 13:54

Gasoline Consumption Up 8%

Gasoline Consumption Up 8%

EghtesadOnline: Iranian gasoline consumption in the first 11 months of the current fiscal year (started March 21) reached an average of 80.2 million liters per day, data released by National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company show.

News ID: 745038

The figure indicates an 8% increase compared with the corresponding figure of last year (75.3 ml/d), ISNA reported. The data also reveal a hike in diesel consumption. Some 82.7 million liters of diesel have been consumed daily on average during the period, showing a 3.6% year-on-year jump. The increase in gasoline consumption was sharper in the last 30 days. Iranians used an average 77.9 million liters of gasoline per day from Jan. 21 to Feb. 19, indicating an 8.5% increase YOY. This is while an average of 95.8 million liters of diesel were burnt daily in the Jan.-Feb. period, indicating a 5% fall YOY, according to Financial Tribune.


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