20 / October / 2019 13:39

Hegmataneh Petrochem Plant to Start Production in Spring

EghtesadOnline: Construction of Hegmataneh Petrochemical Plant in Hamedan Province is almost over and it will start production next spring, managing director of the National Petrochemical Company said.

News ID: 748750

“Designed to produce medical-grade PVC, the plant will be the 57th petrochemical company active in the country,” Behzad Mohammadi was quoted as saying by the Oil Ministry news agency Shana.

PVC produced in the facility is of special importance as it is used in manufacturing a variety of products for hospitals and pharmaceutical firms. 

Hegmataneh will be the first of its kind to produce such PVC compounds, according to Financial Tribune.

Ibn Sina Petrochemical Plant is also under construction in Hamedan, Mohammadi said. Royal Dutch Shell PLC, British-Dutch oil and gas company, has invested $350 million in the project. 

When operational, the plant will produce 120,000 tons of ethylene oxide, 30,000 tons of ethanol amine and methyldiethanolmine, 50,000 tons of glycol ether and 80,000 tons of ethoxylates a year.



Olefin Unit for Bushehr 

Bushehr Petrochemical Plant is to add an olefin unit with production capacity of a million tons per year.

One of the largest petrochemical units, the plant includes three phases, of which only the first is operational. 

Phase 1 includes sweetening and ethane and methanol recovery. Phase 2 consists of olefin, glycol, and polyethylene units, and phase 3 has acetic acid and vinyl acetate monomer units.



Urmia Plant Goes Green

Urmia Petrochemical Plant in Urmia, West Azerbaijan Province, has been awarded a non-pollution certificate by the Department of Environment.

The award was given for quality environmental measures such as construction of a sulfuric acid unit based on modern technology and low level pollution as well as installation of an online analyzer system for measuring pollutants in the environment.

The Urmia unit is located 30 kilometers southwest of Urmia City. The complex has been built on 220 hectares of which 50 hectares are for the industrial division and 170 hectares for waste water ponds and green spaces. Urea, ammonia and sulphuric acid are raw materials (feedstock) for the factory.



Massive Expansion 

Iran will invest $40 billion in the petrochemical sector to increase output from the current 66 million tons to 133 million tons in six years.

According to NPC, by the end of the current fiscal (March 2020), four petrochemical projects will be inaugurated. Next fiscal year (March 2020-21), 16 plants will start production and seven more will be operational the following year. Until 2025 26 projects will come on stream.

With 50% rise, petrochemical production will reach 100 million tons by 2021. In quantitative development terms, plans are for annual production of 133 million tons by 2025 -- double the current output.

Iran has significantly expanded the scale and scope of its petrochemical production. Petrochemical firms now supply most of the domestic needs thanks to the diversity of products. They are also exporting in big volumes.

Iran plans to make optimal use of its existing advantages and complete the supply chain of the rapidly growing petrochemical industry. For NPC the top priority is to upgrade the status of this industry in the region and beyond by enhancing production and asserting its presence in the world markets.

Currently, 350 types of petrochemicals are produced in Iran for which there is high international demand.

Many countries buy Iranian petrochemicals, including neighboring states, China, India, Southeast Asia and Europe.

Petrochemical is Iran's most important industry after oil and gas. It has played a key role in economic growth as it creates value-added and helps reduce oil and gas exports on which the economy has been dependent for decades.


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