20 / December / 2020 09:03

How to Create a Perfect Instagram bio

How to Create a Perfect Instagram bio

You need to write a good Instagram bio to make an Impression in 2021. Writing good Instagram bios might seem straightforward, but it actually requires a lot of thought!

News ID: 751722

How to Create a Perfect Instagram bio

Even though it may seem like a small part of your profile, coming up with the perfect Instagram bio for business can be challenging.

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For Instagram Verification Your bio sets the stage for your brand presence on the platform. And you only have 150 characters to sum up what your business stands for, so it’s perfectly reasonable to overthink it.

According to researchers, it takes less than two-tenths of a second for an online visitor to form an impression of your account.

And if you’re using Instagram for business, it’s REALLY important for that first impression to be a good one!

In the following guide, we’ll walk you through how to write good Instagram bios that makes a great first impression, explain what your business does, and convince new visitors to click the “follow” button!

Why your Instagram business bio matters

First of all, why does your Instagram business profile bio matter so much?

As simple as it may seem, an Instagram bio plays a critical role in establishing your Social Media Marketing and brand presence.

In many cases, your Instagram profile may be the first point of contact whether someone discovers you through an Instagram hashtag or by clicking through from a paid post or share on Stories. Your bio is an essential good first impression while clarifying why they should follow you.

That’s why you should focus on creating an Instagram business bio that effectively portrays your brand personality and establishes your unique value proposition.


Good Instagram Bio


10 Ways to increase Instagram followers and better engagement.

Good Instagram Bios Tip #1: Name

The first step to creating good Instagram bios is making sure that your name is, in fact, your name! (By this, we mean the “name” field in your profile, not your Instagram username).

People searching for you on Instagram will likely use your name or your company’s name. So, consistency lets people know that the Instagram profile they’re viewing actually belongs to you and not an impostor.

Perfect Instagram Bio Tip #2: Username

Your username is your @handle and your Instagram identity. It’s a part of your Instagram profile URL (instagram.com/myusername). It also holds a prominent location at the top of your profile page.

Depending on data sources like audience and keyword research, you may know of abbreviations or name variations commonly used for your brand name. You might consider using those in one spot in your bio, such as in your username.

How to write a nice Bio #3: Profile photo

This should be relevant to your brand’s visual identity. You could include a brand logo, a brick-and-mortar location or even a product photo. But regardless of which photo you choose to use, it should look great and be relevant to your business.

For brands with a widely-recognized visual identity like National Geographic TV, even just the iconic yellow rectangle logo makes for a great profile photo.

Be sure to choose images that are visually cohesive across all your profiles to help create a recognizable and authoritative brand identity.

Instagram bio Tips #4: Skills

A good Instagram bio accurately explains what your business is and what you do. So if you want to stand out for a particular skill, profession, hobby, or interest, you should include these details in your Instagram bio as well!

Think about what sets you apart from your competitors. Do you have a unique set of skills or experiences that might be of interest to your followers?

Not only will including these in your Instagram bio serve as an introduction to new viewers, but it can also determine whether they’ll follow. 

Instagram bio Tips #5: Website

This is the only section of Instagram that allows you to add a clickable link, so make sure you use this space wisely.

While you can always add a URL to your homepage, you can also update this link more frequently by posting new products, new content, new projects and more.


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A lot of businesses use the link to send followers to their homepage or blog, which is great!

But for ecommerce businesses that want to send followers to specific product pages, campaigns, or webinars, the lack of hot links is a huge challenge.


Bios on Instagram #6: Call-to-action

You could further free up space in your bio if you make the most of the call-to-action buttons available for Instagram Business accounts.

This allows people to take action straight from your Instagram profile when on the mobile app, making it easier for customers to convert on actions – from buying tickets to booking tables.

Perfect Bios #7: Contact info

Contact options provide prospective customers with the info they need to connect with your business.

Make the most of the email and call buttons to highlight your business contact info without taking up precious space in your bio.

Tips for nice Instagram bio #8: Announcements

Instagram bio is a great place to announce the live events which are happening and for future announcements. Fans can keep a tab of the activity happening at your end by just checking your bio.

Best Instagram Bios #9: Creativity

While it’s very important to convey who you are and what you do in your Instagram bio, you should also think of it as a space for you to show off your fun side.

At the end of the day, Instagram is a fairly lighthearted medium, so try not to get too stuck on drafting a formal biography!

Here are some great ways to insert creativity into your Instagram bio:

  • Use Emojis to Space Out Your Text
  • Include Your Branded Hashtag
  • Change the Font in Your Instagram Bio
  • Add Line Breaks to Your Instagram Bio
  • Include Your Physical Location

Instagram bio Tips #10: Keywords

Using keywords won’t improve your searchability on Instagram, but it will give your account more focus and help you connect with followers who want to engage with your content!

When deciding what keywords to include in your Instagram bio, try to think about both your own core values and the core values of your Target Audience on Instagram.

If you use Instagram for business, spend some time creating a “profile” of your ideal follower. What are their pain points or interests? And what keywords will help you resonate with them most?

Using keywords that target your audience and niche will help users better understand who you are, what you have to offer, and whether or not your account is relevant to them!


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Ready to create an impactful Instagram bio?

Your Instagram bio could make all the difference in boosting your social presence. It’s the perfect place to exhibit your brand identity and show off your creative side.

It could also help you showcase your uniqueness and entertain your audience.

As you can see, there are many elements to creating a professional Instagram bio for your brand.

However, your bio doesn’t need to be static—shake it up a bit. Try out different emojis, calls to action, text, and more.

By varying your IG bio, you will find out what your audience responds to and what works for your business. Good luck!


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