07 / February / 2021 06:54

The first cooperation of the artists and artificial intelligence in the era of decentralization

The first cooperation of the artists and artificial intelligence in the era of decentralization

“The first cooperation of the artists and artificial intelligence in the era of decentralization” refers to a project started by Yasaman Sharifzadeh, a digital artist graduated in directing course of Fine Arts College of Tehran University in late 2019. This artist used to attend the courses taught by Kiarostami in Karnameh Art and Culture institute.

News ID: 751780

The world’s latest technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence are rapidly dominating the employment areas, and they have different technological complexities and major commercial consequences that can change human life, cooperation, and interaction in future. So, they are predicted to have a major share in the input capitals of the world economy. The intrusion of these two technologies in different sectors such as medicine, aerospace, education, engineering, and even lifestyle is undeniable. Also in Iran, different projects are conducted focused on new technologies by individuals or knowledge-based companies. However, the area of art is a little different and further from the use of new technologies compared to other areas.

Recently, a scientific, art, and research project including the idea of a different approach to entrepreneurship in art has attracted a lot of attention in the fifth scientific conference on the modern employment and value creation systems. In the personal project of “the first cooperation of the artists and artificial intelligence in the era of decentralization”, sharifzadeh has started to create unique paintings by using artificial intelligence and digital sale by smart contract besides physical sale in website for the first time in Iran.

“Yasmaanik” digital art group creates paintings and video arts by using artificial intelligence. Also, it translates and releases the news related to this area. Meanwhile, “Cinema Touraco” start-up works as an NFT specialized media. NFT stands for non-fungible token i.e. inflexible tokens.

Yasaman Sharifzadeh has graduated in directing course of Fine Arts College of Tehran University and Karnameh Directing School. She has started studying blockchain in 2016 and since 2020, she has focused on the integration of blockchain and artificial intelligence by an approach to art. So, she has designed a start-up for selling, distributing, and conveying the property of digital art works.

So far, she has been able to produce more than four hundred unique art works by using neural network algorithms in the area of artificial intelligence. Meanwhile, she intends to sell the printed versions of these works on Yasmaanik.com after exhibiting them in a gallery over the future years. The interesting point about the artificial intelligence-based products is that every work is created only once in a unique manner and also, it is sold only once. So, every work has a single owner. Every painting has a digital unique certificate of originality that can be traced in a blockchain platform.

Meanwhile, “Cinema Touraco” start-up is being conducted as a different project that is parallel to “Yasmaanik” group. In fact, CinemaTouraco.com is an online crypto art journal and an educational center for the new copyright systems, release and property conveyance of art works, modern collection, and counseling for selling art works based on smart contracts.


In 2013, Sharifzadeh won the prize of the best artistic directing in the international film festival of India. As the first artist simultaneously working in the areas of blockchain and artificial intelligence in Iran, she tokenized a short video art work that was a part of the output of the “the first cooperation of the artists and artificial intelligence in the era of decentralization” project and sold that by blockchain-based smart contracts in an exclusive online international sale.

Source : ilna


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