05 / May / 2023 21:32

Annual Trade With SCO Rises 10% to $40.9b

Annual Trade With SCO Rises 10% to $40.9b

EghtesadOnline: Iran’s exports to Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s member states in fiscal 2022-23 hit 42.71 million tons worth $19.68 billion and imports stood at 10 million tons worth $21.29 billion.

News ID: 752492

Iran’s trade with Shanghai Cooperation Organization’s member states, excluding crude oil exports from the country, stood at 52.71 million tons worth $40.98 billion in fiscal 2022-23 (ended March 20), indicating a 3.91% fall in terms of weight, but a 10.26% rise in value compared with last year’s corresponding period, latest data released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration show.

China with 35.55 million tons worth $30.32 billion was Iran’s main trade partner among SCO member states during the period. It was followed by India with 7.3 million tons worth $4.99 billion and Russia with 4.04 million tons worth $2.32 billion.

Iranian exports hit 42.71 million tons worth $19.68 billion in the year under review, registering 5.81% and 4.43% drops in weight and value respectively.

China with 31.15 million tons worth $14.58 billion (up 1.84%), India with 5.42 million tons worth $2.14 billion (up 16.62%) and Pakistan with 3.53 million tons worth $1.48 million (up 18.1%) were the main export destinations.

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