17 / July / 2016 11:38

Iran, world customs officials exchange views on problems in Brussels

EghtesadOnline: Governor of Iran's Customs House Masoud Karbasian met and exchanged views with Secretary General of World Customs Organization as well as governors of Russia, Turkey, Armenia, Indonesia Customs houses on facilitating trade and common Customs problems.

News ID: 768193

According to IRNA, Karbasian, who is in Brussels to attend annual meeting of WCO, discussed issues of mutual interests with Secretary General of WCO Kunio Mikuriya.

The issue of digitalized Customs and Iran's Customs progresses in the field of electronic trend of Customs were among issues discussed in the meeting.

Fight against trafficking was another issue discussed in the meeting and Mikuriya praised Iran's Customs house efforts in this concern.

Karbasian also met with Head of Federal Customs Services of Russia Andrey Belyaninov.

In the meeting, the two sides voiced satisfaction with the execution of 'Green Customs Corridor' between the two countries and called for acceleration and facilitation of trade upon the corridor.

Governor of Iran's Customs also discussed border problems and issues with head of Turkey's Customs house and it is due that upon signed agreement the two sides try would accelerate trade exchange between the two countries.

In a meeting with Head of Armenia Customs House Armen Georgian, Karbasian underlined electronic exchange of data between the two Customs housed and expressed readiness to open a common cyber outlet (online link).
Karbasian in a meeting with Director General of Indonesian Customs Agung Kuswandono calls for facilitation and development of trade between the two countries.

The 127th annual meeting of heads of world Customs was held in headquarters of WCO in Brussels and 180 ministers and heads of Customs were participating in the meeting.

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