18 / October / 2016 04:30

ECO members to enhance electronic exchange of customs information

EghtesadOnline: The 3rd meeting of the sub-committee of ECO customs experts started work on Monday to discuss more customs cooperation.

News ID: 770474

Deputy for legal and customs supervision of the Islamic Republic of Iran Alireza Moghaddasi said that the representatives of the member countries negotiated on electronic exchange of customs information among ECO countries, establishment of ECO smuggling and customs offences data bank, agreement on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters and holding training courses for customs officials of ECO member states. 

He added that electronic exchange of customs information especially establishment and operation of ECO smuggling and customs offences data bank can contribute to developing cooperation during the third decade of the cooperation among ECO member states, according to IRNA.

Islamic Republic of Iran together with Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Turkey are ECO member states.

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