05 / November / 2016 24:42

Velayati warns against sinister plots to disintegrate region

EghtesadOnline: We should stand against the sinister plots by the enemies aimed at disintegrating big countries in the region, says the chairman of Iran's Center for Strategic Research.

News ID: 770964

'The United States and a number of its regional allies are trying to create division among the Islamic countries in the region to disintegrate them,' Ali Akbar Velayati said in a meeting on Tuesday with Mala Bakhtiar, Chief of Executive Body of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan Political Bureau.

Velayati told the visiting PUK official and his accompanying delegation that the plot to disintegrate big, powerful regional countries that possess a rich historical background is sponsored by Washington and its regional allies in a bid to guarantee Israel's security and at the same time to achieve their avaricious ends, reports IRNA.

'We need to resist the sinister plots,' the senior advisor to Iran's Supreme leader in international affairs said.

Velayati also referred to deeply-rooted cultural, historical and religious ties between Iran and Iraq and called for further enhancement of bilateral ties between the neighboring nations.

'Development of cooperation between the two countries constitutes a priority,' he said.

Meanwhile, Mala Bakhtiar praised the principled stance adopted by Iran in addressing regional problems.

'We thank the Islamic Republic for its principled policies in the region,' the PUK official said.

'What Iran is doing to secure peace and stability in the region tends to be essential and effective,' he said.

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