23 / January / 2017 08:28

UN Tehran envoy pays tribute to Plasco martyrs

EghtesadOnline: The United Nations Representative in Tehran, Gary Lewis, on Sunday paid respect to those, who lost their lives in the Plasco tragic incident on January 19.

News ID: 773428

Lewis and other employees of the UN office in Tehran gathered in the Fire Station no. 89.
He said, 'We are here to appreciate services of the firefighters and offer our condolences to those, who lost their lives in this tragic incident.'
The firefighters by their bravery are defending security of people and their lives are endangered everyday, so 'we should be thankful to them,' Lewis said.
According to IRNA, fire erupted in the 17-storey Plasco high-rise on Thursday morning and then the total building collapsed and many fire fighters were trapped under the debris.

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