19 / August / 2017 24:31

Co-op development on Japanese gov't agenda: Minister

EghtesadOnline: Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan Hiroshige Sekō said Japan has put on the agenda promoting economic development with Iran.

News ID: 778545

According to IRNA, Sekō made the remarks Wednesday in a meeting with Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi.

During the meeting, he expressed congratulation over President Hassan Rouhani's re-election as Iran president.

Japanese minister pointed to the nuclear talks between Iran and G5+1 (the US, Russia, France, Britain and China plus Germany) as important, saying Japan supports implementation of Iran deal also known as Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Meanwhile, Araqchi said grounds have been paved for both countries to increase bilateral cooperation in post-JCPOA era. 

Iran deal is being supported by international community and the United Nations Security Council and European Union called for complete implementation of JCPOA.

Sekō also invited Iran to attend 2025 Osaka World Exposition.


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