04 / November / 2017 09:47

96% of Iranian Workers Have Temporary Contracts

EghtesadOnline: About 96% of workers in Iran have temporary contracts, the head of workers’ guilds association said.

News ID: 780246

Stressing that lack of job security and low wages are the two main challenges facing workers, Gholamreza Abbasi said, “The minimum wage of 9.3 million rials ($232.5) is not enough to live on for 10 days. This is while our studies last year showed a monthly income of 33 million rials ($825) should have been set as the living wage for a family of four,” Mehr News Agency reported. A living wage is necessary for a worker to meet his family’s basic needs. These needs include shelter and other essentials such as clothing and food, according to Financial Tribune.


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