17 / November / 2019 24:31

Iran-Italy cooperation in archaeology intangible heritage

EghtesaadOnline: The head of the National Museum of Iran said that the 60-year long cooperation between the two ancient cultures of Iran and Italy is an intangible heritage.

News ID: 785027

The long-term cooperation is rooted in in the efforts of the educated and the cultured, said Jebreil Nokandeh in the opening ceremony of the exhibit and conference of "Iran and Italy: 60 Years of Collaboration and Cultural Heritage".   

This kind of relation is the most sustainable one, which is looked up to by politicians and statesmen and can be a pleasant perspective for the all-out relations of the countries, said Nokandeh.

Iran is an important part of the millennia-old archeology of the world and is considered by many the terra incognita and the paradise of archeologists, IRNA quoted Nokandeh as saying.
















He said that the exhibition puts on display 60 invaluable items that have been found due to the joint efforts of the Iranian and Italian archeologists in different sites of Iran.


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